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This contains PyTorch basic demo notebooks and scripts


PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library


Topic SubTopic
Section: 1 PyTorch Introduction Introduction to PyTorch
PyTorch installation and setup
Section: 2 PyTorch Tensors and Operations What is tensor? & Type Conversions
Mathematical Operations
Indexing, Slicing, Concatenation, Reshaping Ops
Section: 3 AutoGrad Derivatives, Partial derivative, & Successive Differentiation
Section: 4 First Neural Network Simple ANN Implementation
Section: 5 Custom data loading Structured data
Unstructured data
Section 6 Convolutional Neural Network Create data loader
Define CNN model architecture
Train CNN model
Evaluate CNN model
Predict using CNN model
Section 7 Transfer learning Download data and create data loader
Download and use pretrained model
Train our model
Evaluate our model
Prediction and visualizing prediction outcome
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