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Functionality needed outside Lex Ecosystem


Flask is a micro framework provided for building light weight APIs and web apps or web sites.


Heroku is Platform as a Service(PaaS) provider to host your websites. It provides certain amount of spaces free for hobyst to experiment and host their websites or webapps.


APIs stands for Application Process Interface. These are nothing but URLs which when generally hit with POST request they return some data.

For example in our case I'm using 2 APIs to get Covid State and district wise data plus world wise data.


Mongo db is a NoSQL database. I've used this database because of unstructured nature of our data gathering mainly for training our bot to get better accuracy.

Here I've used cloud mongoDb to store my data on mongo db cloud

Web scrapping

This is a most important tool used to gather information which are not readily availble. We generailly used beautiful soup to go to a site and extact information from that.

In this project I have used Web scrapping to extract PIN code data from the website.