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Flask App

Here's the layout for present project. [FOLDER] repersents folder and rest are files can be identified by their extensions(ie .py, .html. .ini .txt. pdf)

Project layout

├── [covidInfo]
   └── pinCodeData.csv
├── [getCredentials]
   ├── config.ini
├── [loggingdb]
├── [Procfile]
├── requirements.txt
└── [sendDetailedEmail]
    ├── FAQ1.pdf
    └── Template_corona_info.html

Click on the top right corner to see the full codes. Folowing are the glimpse of the main portion of the code -

inside we have severals webhooks -

this one to get world data -

world wise
# route to get covid data wrt World. It follows same flow as PIN
@app.route("/covidWorld", methods=['POST'])
def covidWorld():
        dataRequest = request.get_json()
        logDetails(whoAmI="user", query=dataRequest)
        country = dataRequest["country"]
        covid = Covid()
        result = covid.get_status_by_country_name(country)
        response = {"fullFilmenttext":result}
        logDetails(whoAmI="bot", query=response)
        return response
    except Exception as e:
        response = {"fullFilmenttext":f"process failed due to Error:{e}"}
        logDetails(whoAmI="bot", query=response)
        return response

To get pincode wise data -

# route to get covid data PIN code wise
@app.route("/covidInfo", methods=['POST'])
def covidInfo():
        # get user's request details
        dataRequest = request.get_json()
        # log the details in the db
        logDetails(whoAmI="user", query=dataRequest)

        # send details to the user as per PIN and State

        # if keys contains PIN
        if "PIN" in dataRequest.keys():
            # get details wrt PIN
            obj = CovidCasesIndia(PIN=dataRequest["PIN"])
            result = obj.get_data()
        if "state" in dataRequest.keys():
            # get detila wrt state
            obj = CovidCasesIndia(state=dataRequest["state"])
            result = obj.get_data()
        # record response in dict format and return
        response = {"fullFilmenttext":result}
        logDetails(whoAmI="bot", query=response)
        return response
    except Exception as e:
        # in case of failure save error log and send the response with error msg
        response = {"fullFilmenttext":f"process failed due to Error:{e}"}
        logDetails(whoAmI="bot", query=response)
        return response

To send the mail following webhook is used -

# route to save sendmail
@app.route("/sendMail", methods=["POST"])
def sendMail():
        # get client info
        clientInfo = request.get_json()
        # log the details in the db
        logDetails(whoAmI="user", query=clientInfo['name'])

        # get user's email to send the FAQ
        clientEmail = clientInfo['email']
        clientName = clientInfo['name']
        clientPhone = clientInfo['phone']

        # send mail to the user 
        # d is a temp var can be used for debuging 
        d = MailAttachment(clientEmail=clientEmail).send()
        # save the response in dictionary
        response = {"fullFilmenttext":f"mail sent to {clientEmail}"}
        # save the response in the db and return response
        logDetails(whoAmI="bot", query=response)
        return response
    except Exception as e:
        # in case of failure save error log and send the response with error msg
        response = {"fullFilmenttext":f"process failed due to Error:{e}"}
        logDetails(whoAmI="bot", query=response)
        return response

Following are the supporting modules for

To save logs -
from pymongo import MongoClient
import time
import json

class Log:
    It logs the data into
    def __init__(self, dbName="responder_googledb", MAX_RECORDS=100, dbPASSWORD=None):
        self.dbName = dbName
        self.dbPASSWORD = dbPASSWORD

        # connection string is optained fromt the mongodb cloud
        self.connectionString= f"mongodb+srv://responder_google01:{self.dbPASSWORD}"        
        self.client = MongoClient(self.connectionString)

    def insertLog(self, enterLog=None):
        '''Method to insert logs into the cloud mongodb'''
        # get the db
        db = self.client.get_database(self.dbName)

        # get the records in which you wish to log data
        records = db.responder_google01

        # only enter into records if it hasn't reached the max_records
        # max_records=100 by default
        if records.count_documents({}) <= self.MAX_RECORDS:
            # get current date and time
  , self.time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d|%H:%M:%S").split("|")
            self.client = MongoClient(self.connectionString)

            # save log, date, and time into a new record var
            new_record = {"date",
                        "log":json.dumps(enterLog)} # had to jsonify
            # insert the new record and return the success msg       
            return "Logged Successfully"
            return "MAX records reached. Delete previous records"

To send mail
# import neccessary libs and modules
import smtplib
import os
from email.message import EmailMessage
from import ConfigReader

# define paths for attchments and HTML tempplate to send
# HTML_TEMPLATE_NAME = "DLM_Template.html"
HTML_TEMPLATE_NAME = "Template_corona_info.html"

# get the auth keys to send the mail
AUTH_DATA = ConfigReader()
eMAIL = AUTH_DATA.read_config()["eMAILsender"]
ePASSKEY = AUTH_DATA.read_config()["ePASSKEY"]

class MailAttachment:
    This class sends mail to the client by attaching necessary attachment
    It attaches an HTML template as well.
    def __init__(self, clientEmail=None):
        self.clientEmail = clientEmail

    def send(self):
        # put the Subject, From and To data for email
        msg = EmailMessage()
        msg['Subject'] = "Detailed Information about Covid-19"
        msg['From'] = eMAIL
        msg['To'] = self.clientEmail

        # add the text content which is shown if HTML is off at the client
        msg.set_content('Hi,\n\tPlease find the attachment below. \nRegards,\nSunny')
        # attach the HTML content
        with open(HTML_TEMPLATE_PATH, "r") as f:
            html_content =

        msg.add_alternative(html_content, subtype='html')

        # adding other attachements
        pdf_files = ['FAQ1.pdf']
        for file in pdf_files:
            path = os.path.join(CURRFOLDER, file)
            with open(path, "rb") as f:
                file_data =
                file_name ="/")[-1]

            msg.add_attachment(file_data, maintype='application', 
            subtype='octet-stream', filename=file_name)

        # login with the auth keys and send the email
        with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) as smtp:
            smtp.login(eMAIL, ePASSKEY)
            print("sending email...")
            print("email Sent")

To get credentials
import configparser
import os

# get the path of config file 
CURRENT_FOLDER = "getCredentials"
CONFIG_FILE = "config.ini"

class ConfigReader:
    It read the following from the config file-
    1. senders email
    3. login keys of sender's email
    3. passwords for the database
    def __init__(self):
        self.configFileName = CONFIG_FILE_PATH

    def read_config(self):
        '''reads the congfig file to get details'''
        self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        self.configuration = self.config["DEFAULT"]
        # extract the secret info from the config file and return the info
        self.eMAILsender = self.configuration["eMAILsender"]
        self.ePASSKEY = self.configuration["ePASSKEY"]
        self.dbPASSWORD = self.configuration['dbPASSWORD']
        return self.configuration

To covid data -
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
import os

# get path of PINCODE csv file
UTILS = "covidInfo"
PINCODE_DATA_PATH = os.path.join(UTILS, "pinCodeData.csv")

class CovidCasesIndia:
    This serves you with State and PINCODE wise data.
    def __init__(self, PIN=None, state=None, df_path = PINCODE_DATA_PATH):
        self.PIN = PIN
        self.state = state
        # read csv
        self.df = pd.read_csv(df_path)
        # APIs to get state and district wise covid data
        self._stateAPI = ""
        self._districtAPI = ""

    def get_data(self):
        '''gets data wrt to PIN or state'''
        if self.PIN is not None:
            return {"district":self._get_data_fromPIN(), "state":self._get_data_fromSTATE()}
            return {"state":self._get_data_fromSTATE()}

    def _get_district_data(self, state, district):
        '''gets districts wise data'''
        # read json paypload from district API
        json_data = requests.get(self._districtAPI).json()
        # extract district data and return the result
        d_data = json_data[state]["districtData"][district]
        return d_data

    def _get_data_fromPIN(self):
        '''get PIN wise data'''
        def query_pincode(PIN):
            '''gets state and district name from csv by using PINCODE provided'''
                # check if PIN is valid
                if (type(PIN) in [int, str]) and (self.df["Pincode"].isin([PIN]).any()): # already_read
                    mask = int(PIN) == self.df['Pincode']
                    result = self.df[mask]
                    return result
                return "Invalid PIN code or data is not availble"
            except Exception as e:
                return str(e)
        query = query_pincode(self.PIN)
        # extract state and distt. name from query
        self.state = query.State.iloc[0]
        self.dist = query.District.iloc[0]
            # return this if data of distt is present
            return {"district":self.dist, "confirmed":self._get_district_data(self.state, self.dist)['confirmed']}
            # return this if data is not found from the requested API
            return {"district":self.dist, "confirmed":0}

    def _get_data_fromSTATE(self):
        '''gets data state wise from the API'''
        json_data = requests.get(self._stateAPI).json()
        def query_state_wise(query):
            for loc in json_data["data"]["regional"]:
                if loc['loc'] == query:
                    return loc
        return query_state_wise(self.state)